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Exercise: Rational Level Design

Working conditions: School project, with 6 Game Designers   with a deadline after one month.

Software / sites used:  Google sheets

Years: 2019-2020

This document  is the result of the given Rational Level Design exercise  in the 1st year of the "Lead Game Designer" training at ISART Digital Paris.

In this exercise, we had to analyze the game "Metal Slug" following the given model, in order to practice using spreadsheets as well as Rational Level Design in future projects.

We had to list all the abilities and weapons, all the enemies and items in Level Design and each  Game Designer had to analyze  an entire level of the game. So I had to analyze  level 3,  by entering all the parameters (all zones, enemies, bonuses etc.)  in the Rational Level Design document, in order to obtain a curve of difficulty and pace.

To consult all the pages you can download the  document  here or by clicking on the  screenshots opposite then by clicking on the link.

© 2021 by Alice Doussin

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